Masturbating to Naked Lunch

After dark I masturbate to Naked Lunch and drink Ten High whiskey while the cat looks at me with an accusing glare.  He knows I ate his brother. What did Cronenberg learn making The Fly? Did he carry those insect politics on to his other films?  The bastard is going to re-make The Fly. Who does he think he is, Howard Hawks? You can’t just run around redoing what you’ve already done. Then again, maybe he can.

The foxes are coming closer each day. They have hungry eyes.

Will anyone pay me to ridicule them? Seriously, I need a new job and I think I’d be really good at it. Like if you pay me I will say snide things about you (custom tailored, of course) and insist on calling you “Kyle” or “Dan” no matter what your name really is. If you are interested, give me a buzz.

It is not a world of men

I wanted Jack Daniels on the rocks. A double. When the waitress arrived I said “Jack, rocks, double.” She looked at me like I was an alien. I repeated it.

The girl said “Seven and Seven?” Apropos of nothing.

“No,” I said “Jack Daniels on the rocks and make it a double please.”

“Jack and Coke?”

I made strange hand motions and said “Glass. Jack Daniels. Ice. That’s all.”

She nodded with blank eyes and walked away. Some time later she wiggled her tight ass back to the table and set a glass in front of me. It contained, I think, some no-name bourbon and Coke. I drank it.

The girl next to me ordered something called ‘tie me to the bed post’. It was blue and smelled like sugar and fruit. The waitress had no issues with that drink.

This is not a world of men.

I hate to think what would have happened if I had ordered Wild Turkey, neat.

The review copies from Future Tense came. I’m reading now and will be reviewing soon. I love free books. Free books are the best thing in the world.

I am loving the Waits Bukowski title more every minute.

I may start a blog to write about writing the book. Maybe I will keep a diary of my progress every day. It will be almost like two books in one.

I have something new at Lit Up Magazine.

This is interesting

Sonny and Cher Fistfight in Heaven

I am working all night, which sucks. I want to be at home with the dogs and whiskey and the stack of books I need to read.

I took a lot of Xanax today.

My inbox keeps failing to fill up with responses on the thirty or so submissions I have out.

My eyes are fading.

I want to destroy Tokyo all Godzilla style, then rebuild it with my own hands.

Hotels and sad eyed women are on my mind.

There is not enough dank here.

I need a cigarette.