Anyone want to set me on fire?

I write things and think that they suck.

I listen to bad music and drink too much.

I eat mostly raw meat.

Like Ginsberg said: I gave you all and now I’m nothing.

I don’t have a point.

Your memory turns my blood to venom. Caustic ravening rot bloodblack shooting through my ragged torn veins until the decompression sickness brings me low and I have to find a bottle.

When did FTW stop meaning fuck the world?

What I mean is fuck the world.

Anyone want to set me on fire? I can pay.

Ebay madness

I only got one suggestion here, but four emails, so here we go:

become a character in a novel at ebay.

I’d like people to notice this so, if you have a website or a blog, mention it there then drop me an email at to let me know. All names go in a hat, and I’ll draw one at random. The winner gets a stack of books (review copies I’ve gotten for free, mostly)

Please help a brother out