No Colony

So the No Colony Pushcart collage story thing is happening. 65 crazy people are going to work together on a story that will be published in No Colony and nominated for a Pushcart. Honestly, the PC nomination isn’t that big a deal to me, but the idea of building this story by passing it through so many hands seems fascinating and fun. Some of the contributors will be:

David Erlewine
Christopher Higgs
Ryan Call
Brandi Wells
Gene Morgan
Shy Scanlon
David Peak
Molly Gaudry
Kevin Sampsell
Roxane Gay
Jonny Kelly
Jackie Corley
J.A. Tyler
Caleb J. Ross
Nathan Tyree
Jon Catron
Brad Billey

And many many many more


  1. If we could get in the Guinness book of records, that would be cool; I want to be next to the guy who gave himself the most paper cuts in a minute and the world’s biggest collection of fungus-infected toenail clippings.


    • Guiness would be fucking cool


      • fucking cool, indeed. i’m looking forward to this. like you said, the PC nomination is just kicks, but working with some bad ass writers on this is going to be bad ass. i’m stoked to be a part of it.


  2. I’ve never paid for an impressive-sounding award nomination. This will mark a substantial first for me. Next on the list: giving a reacharound for the privledge to touch a Nobel Prize medal.


    • I offered to blow a monkey for a Pulitzer, but they turned me down. . .


    • yeah. i wouldn’t consider a Nobel worth a reacharound anymore, Gore getting one and all. $10 bucks for a Pushcart nomination definitely isn’t bad though. i mean, i paid $12 today for a couple of croissants and hot chocolates. shit is rich.


      • 12 bucks? Yikes.


      • yeah – i owed a buddy breakfast this morning in exchange for mexican last weekend. croissants the size of your head don’t come cheap it seems. but, damn were they exquisite.


  3. […] Deadwood. New York Tyrant is the best lit mag out there period, but also Unsaid, DIAGRAM, Hobart, No Colony, Tin House. Good books are so many, but for now I will always pick out [David Foster Wallace's] […]


  4. […] Deadwood. New York Tyrant is the best lit mag out there period, but also Unsaid, DIAGRAM, Hobart, No Colony, Tin House. Good books are so many, but for now I will always pick out [David Foster Wallace's] […]


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